Furniture Flips | DIY | Recipes | Thrifting

with Alison Patti

Sourdough Rustic Loaf

500g bread flour
9g fine sea salt
150g active starter
285g room temp water

Mix flour and salt together so that the salt is evenly distributed within the flour. Then add starter and water and mix until there is no more loose flour.
Cover and let rest for about 45min.
Remove cover and gently pull up the sides and fold them over to top rotating the bowl as you go around. Recover and let rest for 6-8 hours or overnight if you wish.After dough has risen, preheat the oven with a dutch oven inside to 475While the oven preheats, pour the dough onto a floured surface. Fold sides into itself and turn over so the seam is underneath. In a diagonal, circular motion, rotate and tuck the edges underneath until the ball become taught but not tight. Cover again and let rest for about 25-30 minutes.Score the risen ball of dough with a sharp blade in any pattern that makes you happy. Take the Dutch oven out and CAREFULLY (as the Dutch oven will be extremely hot) place the dough inside. Cover and put in the oven. Bake for 25 min.After 25 minutes, remove lid from Dutch oven and reduce temperature to 425. Bake for another 25 minutes.Remove and place on a wire rack to cool. Wait as long as you can possibly stand it before you slice into it, slather a piece with good butter and eat all of your feelings. If you cut it open too soon, steam will escape and it will dry out. Usually about 20-30 minutes is a sage amount of time and the bread will still be warm inside. Text